Sunday, November 30, 2008

My Husband gives a talk at Sacrament Meeting

Today we started church at 1pm. We were running late as usual, my hubby chucked a sook, coz his pants weren't hemmed up..lmao like seriously what do I look like a "sewing machine" chucked an anti and refused to get ready! Anyways meanwhile I was running around getting my baby ready. Finally he decided to get ready.
He gave a good talk on being a good shepherd. It was nice to have someone different give a talk during sacrament meeting.mY BABY NIECE VAIFOA spent the weekend with us as well as my nephew Apisai...pity her dad came to get her for skool tomorow.miss them!

Anyways today was good sunday and my husband did a great talk. He EXPRESSED how much HE LOVES ME...and that made my

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

6. Random Facts about myself.

1. Growing up I was hooked on the smurfs cartoon network. Each morning before and after school me and my brothers would watch cartoons all day every day.
2. Growing up I was the only girl as I only had 5 brothers, now I have 2 extra sisters...lmao
3. When I was a toddle apparently I accidentally ate my own poop...lmao gross I know.
4. I was spoilt by my mum, nana and uncle and everyone knows it.
5. I got busted by my mum jigging school at year 9. I got a big a$$ wooping for that
6. I love to go shopping. My room is filled with stuff i buy for my baby and is still not opened.

C*O*R*I*A*N*T*O*N at 2 months






My baby boy is growing up so fast. He is now 2months and he can slowly crawl. He loves to eat, only cries when he's hungry, Cold, Tired, Nappy needs a change or if he wants to leave the house.

He is now starting to dribble...he is very figity....He loves to chat...i think he has A.D.D...LOL..NOT


birthday girl
Iva, Kristen and Me

Brookes and Lui

me eating my ribs rack...yummmyyy

My Hubby and I with my Black forest Birthday Cake

On the 17th of November, we celebrated my birthday with my family. My older brother and his wife and my babies came to see me and bought heaps of food and my present. It was very nice to see them as they live very far, but they made an effort to come.

On the weekend we celebrated a dinner/Girls night out with my girlfriends at STEPHANO'S RESTAURANT. Later on we hit One world and boogied the night to Iva, Kristen, Brookes, Tua, Lui and Anthony for coming.
My Hubby gave me the best present of all...its a secret...lmao


My 2 babies Foa and Cori
Our Family before heading into the chapel

mummy and Cori


On the 2nd of November our beautiful baby is blessed. Everybody came, family and friends attended. It was a beautiful Sunday. He wore a white satin Outfit with a matching hat and booties custom made. Later on we celebrated his blessing at the Merrylands Bowling Club.


Hours After I gave Birth
Father and Son

His First Bath by his nana


On the 6th of Septmeber we welcomed our baby boy into the world. Born at 2pm at Westmead Hospital, Sydney Australia. I was 2 weeks over due and so my doctor decided it was time for me to be induced. I was induced at 8pm on Friday the 5th os September. Contractions are the worst things a women could ever experience. From that 8pm til the next morning...still waiting...finally the little buggar came out. Labour went all well and done. Enjoy every mintute of being a mother.


Ok So we went and had a pregnancy check which confirmed we were going to have a baby. My husband was so excited he was jumping for joy. Pregnancy is such a beautiful thing.

Thing I could DO whilst Pregnant:

* absolutely nothing

* enjoyed my nap times

* being pampered

* royal treatent from everybody



Thing I could NOT do whilst pregnant:

* Couldnt do any chores

* Couldnt bend over

* Could notsleep on my tummy

* Could not go out late at night

* Could not eat junk food

Sunday, November 23, 2008

My Brother returns home from Mission

I Arrived in Sydney a few hours after my brother. My family were so happy to see me. Stan, filz, Foa and Dion and Iva came to the airport to pick me up. Its the greatest feeling to come home. I hadnt been to church in a while as me and my husband didnt have a car and we werent familiar with the route around Auckland.

Anyways we got home and dropped off my stuff and headed straight to KFC for dinner...yum yum..Everyone was oh so shocked to see me. That very same weekk we were running around like headless chooks getting everything organised for the surprise Party.

My Brother sensed something was up and knew straight away what my mum was up to. My dad is not a fan of spending money and would prefer for stan to go on a holiday somwhere. Anyways we had the party and it was nice. There were abour 300 people nice and small. We ate, danced and watched performances from family and friends.

We were all exhausted after the long day of slaving around in the kicthen...not...well the day finished and we all went home and cleaned up. Sunday was cool. It was nice to go back to church. Faaao would call me every half and hour just to check up on me and see if I am actually coming back to nz.

So its now time for me to go back to my husband who was waiting for me in NZ. Mother and dion and foa and Jeff saw me off at the airport. Mum was crying, she wanted me to stay in OZ. As much as I wanted to stay, I couldnt as I felt slack for my Husband. I know how hard it is for him.

Farewell oz and here I come NZ...

Married Life is so over-rated.

Ok so we've been married for 2 weeks where my husband has to leave and return back to samoa to get his papers done. Finally after 3 months he arrives in New Zealand. Im glad as he is only 3 hours away from me now and its cheaper for me to call.

After 5 months I decided to New Zealand to be with my husband and to wait for his citizenship as he would beg and plead with me to make the big move. It was a great experience. I flew to nz with my and mum and sister Tua. They stayed with my aunty In Otahuhu and I stayed with Faaao at his uncles place in Mangere. They were very nice and welcomed me into their home. I also got to know his aunty and uncle and also his cousins mark and Iso.

My girlfriend Brookes Toevai managed to get a hold of me and came around heaps. My mum and sis left after 2 weeks and I just cried. I have never lived without my family apart for a long period of time. Faao always managed to keep me entertained and ensured everything was going to be ok. He would always take to dinner and my favourite place to eat was " DENNY'S".

Not long after we found out we were having a baby and that I was already 8 weeks pregnant. I cant explain how happy faaao was when he found out. We were very Happy.

Our Big Fat SAMOAN Wedding

ENGAGED....hmmmm It was a nice experienc, and now we were taking the big step of marriage.... I was a little scared and nervous. We were happy and we loved each other so I had no problems. He was such a softie and a mummys boy at the same time.

So we had our little ups and downs with wedding plans and all and not to mention the family dramas. I guess every wedding has its dramas. Anyways we decided to get married regardless of what was going on between our families. We decided to put it all behind us and get married anyways, because thats what made us both Happy.

So on the 9th of June 2007, we tied the knot and got married in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter days saints, Carlingfors, Sydney LDS TEMPLE. It was the worst weather ever. It was rainig hard and stormy. We couldnt take any photos outside the temple so we had to take them inside.
Later on we took photos at the Bankstown Club and made our way to the reception. It was held at the "PARADISO" the food was great, our perfomances were off the hook, the band was great, the cake was yum and oh I forgot to mention the reception consisted of 600 and more people. It was jammed packed.

After all is said and done, faoo and I made our way to our get away car andheaded off to Crown Plaza Hotel where we spent the night. We were exhausted and that was it...Our day was over finished before you know it.

Where It All Began....

It all beagn in the year of 2006, month of September when my nana, my mother and I travelled to samoa for her uncles funeral. It was a very sad time for the family and I managed to get a week off...not much time to party if u tell me. Anyways all was well. After the family service, we had the was major hot and sunny and I could hear mosquitos buzzing in the mist. Church was the very next day and as I walked in to the chapel a guy's sideburns caught my sight. I didnt pay any attention and followed to my seat.

After the service, this young man and his father together with 20 other young passengers offered to drop us off home, as my cousin was running late. I didnt agree, but it was why not right?... we rode in the back of this random pick uncle sat behind me and was trying to be funny commented " Hey Tafa, Your eternal companian is right here and patted faaao on the shoulder... I almost died! I didnt really take notice so I just tried to brush his comment off...

It wasnt until I got home, that my aunties and uncles where all trying to be match makers. I neer pictured myself with a samoan so I told them it would never happen, and that I was to return to my current boyfriend in sydney and focussed on my career.Not realising later on that faaa's parentals (dad esp) were trying to hook us up big anyways I flew back to home and mum stayed for a couple more weeks. This time she really was determined to get to know this young man everyone was going on about.

They had met up frequent times for lunch, they met at firesides and dances. In the mean time, I had no idea my mum was getiing the 411 on this bloke. She called and insisted that I talk to faaao and get to know him a little more. Mother wasnt a fan of my current boyfriend and she thought he was demanding and a gangster and so on and so forth.

Anyways we chattered and nothing happen but there was something about him that really got to me... not sure but I had a very good feeling about this guy. I have to be honest, I looked down on him big time..not sure why...but he was nice. He had an accent but at least he could speak english

Anyways our phone calls were weekly, daily and all of a sudden it was every minute...lmao txt messages were his fav as creadit was very expensive. I would buy phone cards to call him, and if I didnt have any credit I would top up my dad's mobile...

not long after my mother and I planned for my 21st to be held in America. It didnt go to plan so mother and I decided to spend it in samoa as my mother was in the middle of addopting my uncles baby. She had to sign and finalise the legal adoption. I didnt complain... as I travel to samoa every yea it wasnt new to me.

Anyways we arrive in samoa on the 15th and guess to picks us up??? yep you guessed it FAAAO...he looked very exhausted and nervous. We became very aquainted with each other spent every day together. Faaao worked so he came over everyday after work and drove us around. He was so sweet to me...we did everything together and went everywhere. it was an amazing experience as I had never had an overseas boyfriend.

On the 17th of November, we celebrated my party at Treasure Garden in town. It was fun. wished my family in oz were there to celbrate it with me. Anyways this is where it gets better. They turned the time to faao to say a few words and a toast. He got down on his knee and proposed with a diamond ring...I was speechless I just nodded and said YES!. he was looking very scared as to what my reaction was, but after my I-DO he was relieved.

Anyways so I came back after a few weeks leaving my now so called fiance behind. I worked and started to save for the wedding of the year.It was the first wedding for my family so of coarse my mum and dad wanted it big. We had x-mas and new years and that was 2006 gone.